We all love to fantasize about the perfect K-Drama relationship. You know the kind where the man sweeps you off your feet. The only problem is, many K-Drama relationships are kind of toxic. Okay, very toxic. I’m talking acid in a barrel don’t touch with a ten-foot pole wrist grabbing miscommunication mother-in-law from H-E-double hockey sticks toxic. But not all of them. Let me introduce you to these 4 K-Drama couples who proved that K-Dramas can portray a healthy relationship all the way through.

DaJae Couple of KBS “Once Again” (2020)

Dahee is an introverted girl who crosses paths with the brother of her sister’s ex-husband. Little do they know that their constant bickering will turn into something romantic. 

In the drama, Dahee, who has failed a lot of times in her life, is constantly reassured by Jaeseok that she is a person who deserves all of the love in the world. He doesn’t get angry  or raise his voice when speaking to her. He always encourages her and makes her feel special by treating her right. He respectfully lays out his feelings and never makes her feel uncomfortable. He’s not afraid to show to the whole world that Dahee is his one and only love. 

And Dahee appreciates everything he does. She’s a sweet, hardworking girl and everything about the two just screams a healthy relationship! Truly a match made in heaven. 

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Sikhye Couple of “Hometown Chachacha” (2021)

This is  a romantic comedy K-Drama about a dentist who moves to Gongjin and how she falls in love with the jack-of-all-trades, Hong Dusik. Over the course of this show, these two give us a beautiful strangers-to-friends-to-lovers relationship you cannot pull your eyes from. 

One of the most beautiful things about their relationship is their constant reassurance to each other that they are their own persons. They are always honest with each other and talk about any misunderstanding that occurs. They are there for each other, even at the most vulnerable times, and also know how to properly give space to slowly open up.

RaKkong Couple of KBS “Into The Ring” (2020)

 A political romance K-Drama between an outspoken female lead and a soft-spoken male lead who accepts his love interests’ strengths and flaws, as they are, rather than expecting her to change to fit into society. The two are great examples of the friends-to-lovers trope by how they can be both friends and lovers to each other at the same time. 

The dynamic of their relationship is amazing because they are coworkers who can keep it  professional when it comes to work yet still be very loving to each other in their own ways. Their relationship is so natural that it really depicts what a healthy, real-life relationship should look like. 

For instance, they are each other’s support system. Just seeing how they always share their ideas in their conversations and knowing how to listen properly to understand each other…sigh, I want what they have! Their relationship is so ideal.

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And this list wouldn’t be complete without…

Gyeommi Couple of “Run On” (2020)

A romantic slice-of-life drama between a translator and an athlete who made their worlds aligned to each other. This drama showcased the epitome of a healthy relationship because it showed how important it is to always put yourself first before you start loving someone else. Throughout the drama the couple expressed how self-worth, consent, and communication are key to a healthy relationship. 

“Run On” showed that in a relationship, there will be problems and things that we won’t understand, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it can’t work out. This couple proved that everything could be achieved with communication and comprehension. The two match so well with each other because the male lead always asks for consent and always respects his girlfriend’s thoughts and feelings, and the female lead knows how to put herself first and also accepts her mistake. 

The drama showed how we can create a healthy relationship, not only in our love life or friendships but also in ourselves. “Run On” promotes self-love, healthy relationships, and how we should respect personal space and have healthy boundaries. 

Once again, K-Dramas are showing us how nice it feels to fall in love with the right person. Now, where can I find my own Ki Seon Gyeom?

Are you guys all having a healthy relationship??

Written by Christine

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