If you thought, how in the world are they going to get out of that closet situation from the last episode, you got your answer at the beginning of episode 5. But that is only the beginning of Hae Seong’s problems.
Your recaps of episodes 5 and 6 of “Undercover High School” are below.
“Undercover High School” Episode 5 Recap

So, that accidental kiss followed by an accidental burst of the NIS team out of the closet was a hill to climb this episode, and I am happy to say they did not skip over it. At first, I thought they would since the episode didn’t start with that scene, though they flashbacked to it quickly thereafter.
And the way they got out of that was — pure nonsense, lol. At first, the NIS team tried to pretend like it was a surprise party for Hae Seong, but that did not add up for Teacher Oh, so when she called them out on their explanation making no sense, Hae Seong took it upon himself to faint, and then be haphazardly carried out by his uncle.
Of course, this leads Teacher Oh into even more suspicions about Hae Seong, so she has her teacher friend go to Quiznos to spy on the workers there. Her friend doesn’t see anything strange, though Teacher Oh is not convinced that things are all on the up and up over there.
The episode actually started with the NIS team praying, in their various forms of worship, over Hae Seong getting in the top 10 of the school. At first, I thought he had to be in the top 10%, but he actually had to be in the top 10 students in his class (which could be the top 10 students depending on how many students, but that’s just the math in me talking).
He scrapes by at exactly #10 and is able to get into the student council.
His cousin, Ahn Yoo Jung, is less than thrilled and has to suffer as the third wheel in a dinner between the student class president, Lee Ye Na, and Hae Seong, where she is made to feel like a servant by her “friend.” Which is nothing new, she is always made to feel like a servant, she just didn’t want her uncle to know about it.
This is Hae Seong’s first time seeing this dynamic between Yoo Jung and Ye Na, and he does not mince his words when he tells Ye Na to knock it off. He even ends the dinner right there and pays for it himself.
Yoo Jung gets into an argument with Hae Seong afterwards about how she likes this arrangement even though she is made to feel like a servant, and she just wants Hae Seong to butt out!
Feeling miserable, Hae Seong goes back to the school where he hopes to get answers from the old clock to wrap up this investigation already. He is able to unlock the clock and hears a song played on it that he records.
While he’s trying to make heads or tails of this song, someone slides a letter under the door that says “Hello, Agent Jeong Hae Seong” on it. It looks like his cover has been blown!
Hae Seong shows this to his uncle and the powers that be at the NIS and says he will check the camera in the morning. However, the CCTV from that night has been removed, which is pretty fishy.
Hae Seong gets a call from the police officer who left that note, and he asks to meet that night at the school. Hae Seong shows up, hoping to meet him, but instead, is greeted with the school police officer falling off the roof!
Not only that, the police officer is holding a notebook that Hae Seong gave to his father 20 years ago.
Side Story
- We find out at the end of the episode that Teacher Oh knows Hae Seong’s father. She is shocked to recognize him in an old yearbook from her current school. She does not know this is Hae Seong’s father though; she just knows he was an old school friend’s father (and we all know that old school friend is Hae Sung).
- Also the crazy mom chairman is continuing to do crazy things with high figures in Korea. She is basically trying to intimidate them into doing what she wants.
“Undercover High School” Episode 6 Recap
Hae Seong runs to the rooftop to see who pushed the police officer off of it. He finds the person (who is hiding their face) and fights with him. But the person gets away. The good news is that Hae Seong kept his father’s notebook.
Hae Seong goes straight to the NIS with his father’s notebook and straight up attacks his NIS boss. He is very hurt that the NIS knew that his father worked on this case at this school and no one told him about it. He is so upset that he is about to punch the NIS boss right in his face, but is stopped by his uncle.
His uncle takes him outside and explains that he did not know Hae Seong’s father was involved in this case. Hae Seong tells him that he cannot continue on with this case and leaves.
Hae Seong doesn’t go to school the next day and instead spends time at home thinking about how much he misses his father and how alone he feels all the time.
This is a big blow, though it comes with its own comedic moment as the old-looking Young Hoon has to take Hae Seong’s place even though he looks nothing like a teenager.
But Hae Seong returns the next day because he wants to find out what his father was working on. Perhaps he could get closer to his father in this way. So Hae Sung continues with the project.
However, at school, Hae Seong has another situation he has to deal with because Teacher Oh saw him on the rooftop that night and asks him straight up to explain himself. Is he really a student? How can a student fight like that!
Hae Seong gives up the ghost and says he is an NIS agent pretending to be a student — and she better not tell anyone OR ELSE! The poor teacher is scared out of her mind.
Later on, while brainstorming with his team about what the recorded song could mean, Hae Sung tells the team what happened. The NIS team is alarmed and tells Hae Seong that he can’t threaten a civilian that! It’s against the law! He could go to jail! Go apologize right now! So Hae Seong quickly runs off to apologize to teacher Oh.
He finds her at her mother’s restaurant and apologizes profusely. Teacher Oh accepts only because she thinks she might be able to finally become a full time teacher if she can help locate Korea’s lost gold.
At school, we hear Scary Story #4. This story happens in the music room with two high school sweethearts who used to play the piano together. However, when the girl gets pregnant, the boy cruelly leaves her, leading her to take her own life. But, she comes back as a ghost and gets her revenge on the boy via the piano.
In order to solve this ghost story, Hae Seong needs to find out where the grand piano is kept on campus. Teacher Oh tells him that she saw one in the chairwoman’s office, but no one can get into that room but her. The best chance to sneak in is The Night Of Byeongmites which is a huge event that happens annually.
Of the students, only student council members are expected to attend; however, Hae Seong cannot attend because he has 20 demerits due to skipping school without an excuse. The only way for him to get those demerit points back is to win 25 merit points by being picked as “the new face of Byeongmun High School.”
What follows is a pretty fun scene of Hae Seong trying to figure out how not to look stiff on camera while other students do an amazing job. But the fun is interrupted when Ye Na causes a big scene because she does not want to roll up her sleeve.
It turns out that Ye Na is a cutter and doesn’t want to show her arms, which would immediately reveal that.
Yoo Jung is a good friend and helps Ye Na out of that situation by pulling her outside. But Ye Na just tells Yoo Jung that they have never been friends, and Yoo Jung is dumb for ever thinking they were on the same level.
Hae Seong hears this and tells Ye Na to apologize right now, but that just causes even more of an issue when Ye Na thinks that Hae Seong and Yoo Jung are dating and Yoo Jung lied to her about it. Both girls storm off in different directions.
Teacher Oh steps in and tells Hae Sung not to follow his cousin, sometimes these situations just need to run their full course (and sometimes bad people should be cut off, I’m just saying).
Later on, at her family restaurant, Teacher Oh tells Hae Sung to just “hang in there and push forward,” which triggers a past memory from Hae Seong. His childhood friend said the same thing to him once, leading him to think wistfully about her.
Teacher Oh asks if he is thinking about his first love. He avoids the topic, and they go outside, where it starts to rain. She grabs only one umbrella from her mom that they share (in true K-Drama fashion of course).
Then a motorcycle swings dangerously close to them and, in another K-Drama moment, Hae Seoung protectively swings Teacher Oh out of the way which pulls her dangerously close to him.
In the post scene, we see Hae Seong in his father’s secret office. He promises his father that he will find him.
Side Story
- The crazy mom chairman is the one that had the school officer killed. She also knows that Hae Seong is an NIS agent and is curious to find out if he will be able to locate this lost gold.
Will we get a kiss at the beginning of episode 7? Or will they break apart right away? They looked pretty cozy at the end of this episode, though I think it’s a bit too soon for a real kiss. Maybe at the end of episode 8? Who wants to take bets?
Let us know how you liked this episode, and be sure to stream every episode of “Undercover High School” on Fridays and Saturdays on KOCOWA+!