Next up in our Countdown to Valentine’s are K-Drama Catches💕! Or falls in a lot of cases, haha. You know the situation, the heroine falls, and the hero catches her, or in some cases, the heroine catches the hero (I’m looking at you, Weightlifting Fairy🏋️‍♀️). Many of these falls are often one person falling on top of another, whereby their body breaks their fall, but we are not being nitpicky!

Below are a few of our favorite K-Drama catches and if you forgot some of these catches be sure to check the KOCOWA Instagram for a clip of our favorite catches. Now, which catch will you vote as your favorite?

We are excited to see which catch will win! And remember, you can stream all of these K-Dramas on KOCOWA.

Check Out KOCOWA’s Special Offer!

We are celebrating love leading up to Valentine’s with our favorite hugs, confessions, catches, and kisses with the 50% off promotion code K-KISS!

Let us know your favorite catch and you can use the Promotion Code: K-KISS for 50% off your monthly or yearly memberships on KOCOWA.

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