Here are the highlights of what happened in episodes 11 & 12 of “The Real Has Come!”

“The Real Has Come!” Episodes 11 & 12 Recap:

  • Ms. Eun welcomed Yeon Doo to her family in a very unconventional way by throwing salt at Yeon Doo’s face. When everyone was startled by Ms. Eun’s rather violent greeting, Yeon Doo stayed poised and stood against Ms. Eun and told her thank you. Tae Kyung and Yeon Doo then move into the guest house near Ms. Eun’s house. Yeon Doo browses the place that she is going to live in for the next three months and comments on how the interior of the house is so neat and newlywed-ish. Tae Kyung then hands Yeon Doo a little piece of paper that states the rules to abide by when living in this home. First, treat each other like they are invisible. Second, clean up after yourself. Third, hide unpleasant bodily sounds and smells from each other. Fourth, the cohabitation ends in three months no matter what. After reading all the rules, Yeon Doo crumples up the paper and throws it at Tae Kyung, thinking how ridiculous he is with these house rules.
  • Rather than following the rules Tae Kyung has enforced, Yeon Doo comes up with her own personal plan to slowly search for jobs and look for a new place for her to live in. It’s their first night, and Tae Kyung does not seem to make himself at home and sleeps uncomfortably.
  • Se Jin quits the job she used to work in under Tae Kyung’s father’s company after they broke off the marriage.
  • Yu Myung, who is the youngest of Ms. Eun’s family, was dating a guy named Jay. She was madly in love with him when she was studying abroad in the States. However, they parted ways after she moved back to Korea. But Yu Myung has been lovesick since then. One day she was drunk and went into a convenience store for more alcohol, but saw a very familiar face that looked exactly like her ex-boyfriend Jay. She kisses him for one last time and leaves. However, this was not Jay, this was Dong Wook, the younger brother of Yeon Doo.
  • Ms. Eun gives Yeon Doo a hard time and orders her to cook food for the family’s death anniversary. Ms. Eun nitpicks everything that Yeon Doo does wrong, and Yeon Doo, who is really trying her best, couldn’t take it anymore and throws a spatula on the floor. She yells at Ms. Eun and tells her to cook for herself! But sadly, this was only in Yeon Doo’s imagination. Tae Kyung hears about this and rushes home to stop Yeon Doo from cooking and cooks himself. After the death memorial, Yeon Doo and Tae Kyung sit down and talk casually about their feelings. Yeon Doo feels like, after bowing at the service, it made her feel more included in the family, but Tae Kyung feels otherwise and tells Yeon Doo to never be mistaken because their relationship is not real. Little did they know, the whole family eavesdrops on this comment and asks the couple, “ isn’t real?”
  • Tae Kyung improvised quickly and told the family they were just talking about the nickname of the baby and how Tae Kyung likes the nickname ‘Real’ but Yeon Doo doesn’t. In Ok likes the name ‘Real’ because, due to this baby, everyone got to be a ‘Real’ family. Reluctantly, Tae Kyung and Yeon Doo decide their baby’s nickname will be ‘Real’.
  • Ji Myung and Hyun Woo, who were in the process of getting a divorce, decide not to after finding out that Ji Myung is pregnant.
  • Se Jin’s mom, who is all about the money, carries a lot of debt. Se Jin’s mom was always a burden to Se Jin because all her mother cared about was money, money, money. Se Jin could not take her mother any longer and decided to move to the States for work. Se Jin visits Ms. Eun, who she worked very closely with, to say goodbye before she leaves. After saying goodbye, Se Jin visits the guest house to return the key. The guest house used to be the place for Se Jin and Tae Kyung, but now it isn’t. When Se Jin was browsing inside the house, imagining how situations would be so different if she married Tae Kyung, she suddenly finds this small note written by Yeon Doo: Look for a house to live alone in. This will end in three months. Se Jin reads this and cannot grasp exactly what this means.

Episode 13 Trailer Breakdown of “The Real Has Come!” on KOCOWA+!

Yeon Doo starts to have a very strong appetite and begins to eat constantly.

Tae Kyung cooks for Yeon Doo.

Se Jin confronts Yeon Doo about what the note meant by “three months.”

Tae Kyung confesses to Yeon Doo that this complicated, disguised relationship is not working for him, and he wants to end it now. Se Jin eavesdrops on this conversation.

What do you guys think will happen in the next episode? Leave us a comment and let us know! You can now stream “The Real Has Come!” with English subtitles on KOCOWA+.


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