Secrets are revealed, and Yeon Doo and Tae Kyung are in real trouble…

And don’t forget to read to the end to see more important relationships to look forward to next!

Here are the highlights of what happened in episodes 15 & 16 of “The Real Has Come!”

“The Real Has Come!” Episodes 15 & 16 Recap:

  • Yeon Doo is at the hospital getting examed to see if the baby is okay. Thankfully, both the baby and Yeon Doo do not have any severe injuries. Tae Kyung was really worried, but Yeon Doo tells everyone that everything was because of Se Jin. (We all know Se Jin has nothing to do with Yeon Doo’s rescue, it was Se Jin’s father who rescued her.) Se Jin acts as if she was the one injured in the situation, trying to gain empathy from everyone so that it will help her with the ultimate plan for stealing Tae Kyung.
  • Se Jin mumbles how difficult it was to save Yeon Doo. Se Jin is not the biggest fan of Yeon Doo and Tae Kyung’s relationship, and she always wished that they will break up, but when she spotted Yeon Doo in danger, she couldn’t help but rescue her. (HAHA LIES!) Tae Kyung had no choice but to drive Se Jin home since she claims to have some pain in her shoulders. When they arrive home, Se Jin’s mom really pushed Tae Kyung to come inside and have lunch with them. Tae Kyung went in, and an unexpected feast was welcoming him as if she knew that he was coming.
  • Yeon Doo finally was accepted to eat at Ms. Eun’s place, but Tae Kyung could not join due to his upset stomach. Everyone thought this was strange because he never really had issues with something like this before. Everyone assumed that he perhaps suffered from sympathetic pregnancy, where a husband suffers from morning sickness instead of the wife. However, this was not true. Tae Kyung was just really having a stomachache. But to reassure Ms. Eun, who is always on the lookout for Yeon Doo, she blurts out the lie that he is for sure having morning sickness.
  • Bong Nim gets invited to Ms. Eun’s house by In Ok, but we all know that Ms. Eun is not really happy about this. When Bong Nim tries to say hello to Ms. Eun, she ignores her completely and shuts her down by just reading a book. But when Bong Nim tries to break the ice by showing her vulnerable side, she tells Ms. Eun that she is currently attending ‘Old School,’ a school for the elders who are illiterate. But in the process of it, Bong Nim finds out that Ms. Eun is also illiterate because she couldn’t read the ‘Old School’ writing on Bong Nim’s backpack. Bong Nim was somewhat mocking her and asked her why she pretended to read a book when she couldn’t. Ms. Eun was so embarrassed and furious at the same time for someone she hates to know her biggest flaw. Bong Nim, who does not really like Ms. Eun either, however, empathized and thought Ms. Eun was a poor, old lady who has to hide her flaw from the rest of the family to keep herself with a strong, hardcore, exterior. Ms. Eun tells Bong Nim that she wants to keep her mouth shut. But Bong Nim just leaves the room.
  • Ms. Eun has nightmares of Bong Nim blurting out her illiteracy to everyone. So to make sure she doesn’t, Ms. Eun visits Bong Nim to entrust her not to let slip anything about her being illiterate. In return, Bong Nim asks Ms. Eun to never treat Tae Kyung and Yeon Doo badly.
  • Soo Kyum, Yeon Doo’s niece was bullied at the nearby playground for not having a biological mother. Yeon Doo spots this and helps her, but Yeon Doo also thought that this would be something that her baby will suffer from later on in the future. Yeon Doo vents this out to Tae Kyung, and he really seems to understand since he has raised without a biological father himself. But while Yeon Doo was telling Tae Kyung this, her uncle Dae Sang overhears and is in big shock that Tae Kyung is not the father of Yeon Doo’s baby.

*Important Facts

-> Mu Myung and Dong Wook

  • I feel like there is a potential for love to bloom between these two due to Dong Wook looking exactly the same as Mu Myung’s ex-boyfriend, and I don’t think Dong Wook has entirely bad feelings towards Mu Myung either.

-> Bong Nim and Ms. Eun

  • Now that they have illiteracy as a common denominator, I feel like they can form a positive relationship that will also have a big impact on the relationship between Ms. Eun and Yeon Doo.

-> Ji Myung and Sung Hoon

  • Ji Myung is now pregnant, but no one at the company knows about this but Sung Hoon. He appeared at the scene as someone who has had a crush on Ji Myung for a long time.

Episode 17 Trailer Breakdown of “The Real Has Come!” on KOCOWA+!

Soo Jung visits the guest house that Tae Kyung and Yeon Doo live in, but she sees that they are sleeping separately.

The whole family is again suspicious of the two of them.

Soo Jung meets Dae Sang at the Gynecologist.

Sung Hoon thought Ji Myung would get divorced after the “incident” they had. Hyun Woo eavesdrops.

Tae Kyung and Yeon Doo become real friends, and she confesses to him that, if they were not put in this strange relationship, she might have fallen for him. What do you think will happen in the next episode? Leave us a comment and let us know! You can now stream “The Real Has Come!” with English subtitles on KOCOWA!

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