Okay, there are so many important facts to remember in this recap, so pay attention until the end!

Here are the highlights of what happened in episodes 19 & 20 of “The Real Has Come!”

“The Real Has Come!” Episodes 19 & 20 Recap:

  • When a drunk Tae Kyung confesses his growing feelings toward Yeon Doo, Se Jin was in the living room looking through Yeon Doo’s messages to find out anything to sabotage Yeon Doo and Tae Kyung’s relationship. When Yeon Doo finds her cell phone in the living room and not in her own room, she finds it odd. The next day, Tae Kyung is super embarrassed about what he said the day before. He tells her that it was just nonsense, not his true feelings.
  • Yeon Doo finds it weird that Jang Ho’s phone number was blocked from her phone. Yeon Doo finds Se Jin suspicious, but she cannot be so sure yet.
  • Hyun Woo overhears Ji Myung’s ex-lover’s conversation that he and Ji Myung have something that they are hiding from everyone. Hyun Woo is desperate to know what the secret is.
  • Yu Myung, who is now working in the entertainment business, found this talented girl that they think has great potential. Her name is Soo Kyum and coincidently, she is the daughter of Dong Wook! Yu Myung relentlessly goes after Soo Kyum to get her to sign the contract, but her father and uncle get in the way!
  • Chan Sik decides to give stock to the babies who are going to be born soon – Tae Kyung’s baby and Ji Myung’s baby. However, Ms. Eun is furious about Tae Kyung’s baby getting company stock when Tae Kyung is not a blood-related family member. Tae Kyung did not back down and fought back for himself and Yeon Doo. He leaves home to stay at a hotel.
  • Se Jin visits Tae Kyung’s hotel room to tell him that Yeon Doo is suspicious after reading promiscuous text messages from Yeon Doo’s phone. But Se Jin was surprised to see how calm Tae Kyung was after hearing what she has to say. Yeon Doo also visits Tae Kyung to give him clothes that he might need to stay in a hotel room. Yeon Doo sees Se Jin there and she is furious to see her with Tae Kyung in such a private setting. When Se Jin tells Yeon Doo to back off, Yeon Doo tells Se Jin that she loves Tae Kyung and She Jin is the one that should back off.
  • When Se Jin was in despair, she finds out that Yeon Doo’s ex-boyfriend is Jun Ha whom she also has dated in the past. Meanwhile, Tae Kyung tells Yeon Doo to terminate the contract. Yeon Doo is clueless as to why Tae Kyung is behaving this way, but my assumption is that Tae Kyung is actually catching real feelings for her, so he wants to end things before it gets too far and irreparable.
  • Se Jin interrogates further about Yeon Doo and comes to the conclusion that Yeon Doo’s baby might be Jun Ha’s. Se Jin tries to look for Kim Jun Ha.
  • Yu Myung tries her best to befriend Soo Kyum, so she will eventually sign a contract with the agency.
  • When Dong Wook sees Tae Kyung in the hotel lobby, he cannot believe his eyes. Dong Wook immediately believes that Tae Kyung is at the hotel with some other woman. When Tae Kyung explains to Dong Wook, he is relieved, he tells Tae Kyung to never do anything that will lead to a misunderstanding because he does not ever want to see his sister Yeon Doo hurt again.
  • Jang Ho finds a new place to live after he is divorced. The new rented home happens to be Bong Nim’s home.
  • Tae Kyung acts very standoffish toward Yeon Doo after he told her that the contract is now terminated. She asks why and he tells her that he found someone that he really likes.
  • Hyun Woo, who is technically still with his wife Ji Myung even though they are not in love, meets with his neighbor, who is a pharmacist, and teaches his son how to ride a bike.
  • Yeon Doo had a hard time finding a job due to her being pregnant, but thanks to Jang Ho, he took her in. But little did she know that the school she will be teaching at is the same school her mother, Bong Nim, and Ms. Eun go to, to learn how to read and write. Yeon Doo become an assigned teacher for Ms. Eun.
  • Tae Kyung and Yeon Doo part ways. He tells her that he will find a place for her to live. Before they say their goodbyes, Yeon Doo wants to resolve the family issues before she leaves. She cannot have poor Tae Kyung get bullied in the household because he is not a blood-related family member. She barges into Ms. Eun’s home and yells at everyone about how rude they were to Tae Kyung and they should be ashamed for mistreating Tae Kyung and never accepting him as a family. Tae Kyung and Yeon Doo leave home, and he confesses that the person he likes is her, Yeon Doo.

Important Facts to Remember

  • Tae Kyung likes Yeon Doo and he confessed to her
  • Ms. Eun learns how to read and write from Yeon Doo
  • Se Jin finds out that Yeon Doo’s ex-boyfriend is Jun Ha, which was also her ex-lover
  • Mu Myung, who works at a talent agency, wants to sign with Soo Kyum who is Dong Wook’s daughter.
  • Hyun Woo and this pharmacist, will there be something blossoming here?

Episode 21 Trailer Breakdown of “The Real Has Come!” on KOCOWA+!

Yeon Doo feels embarrassed about what happened last night and asks Tae Kyung to sweep it under the rug.

Yeon Doo makes Ms. Eun apologizes to her. Normally, Ms. Eun would not be the person to do so, but since Yeon Doo knows her flaw of not being illiterate, Ms. Eun has no choice but to please Yeon Doo.

Mu Myung finds out that Soo Kyum’s father is Dong Wook, who she met long ago at the convenience store.

Yeon Doo stops In Ok from doing all the house chores and takes her on a date.

Yeon Doo teaches Ms. Eun how to read and write.

What do you think will happen in the next episode? Leave us a comment and let us know! You can now stream “The Real Has Come!” with English subtitles on KOCOWA!

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