*SPOILER ALERT* Is Yeon Doo going to miscarry her baby…?

Here are the highlights of episodes 29 & 30 of “The Real Has Come!”

“The Real Has Come!” Episodes 29 & 30 Recap:

  • Yeon Doo and Tae Kyung join lunch with Ms. Eun. Thanks to Yeon Doo who relentlessly made an effort for this to happen. Ms. Eun was reluctant but she knew what would happen if she didn’t, so they all go out together. When Yeon Doo left the table to use the bathroom, Tae Kyung and Ms. Eun get into an argument and Tae Kyung ended up leaving.
  • When Chan Sik was in the office, he was told that there was a vicious news article about Yeon Doo’s baby not being Tae Kyung’s. Se Jin was the one to report this to him but Chan Sik suspects Se Jin of spreading this false rumor.
  • In Ok is upset about the fact that Ji Myung and Hyun Woo are both having an affair even with their baby soon to be born. In Ok even asks Ji Myung to leave the company and take maternity leave. Ji Myung cannot stand it anymore and stands up against her. But instead, she kneels down and confesses what’s really going on, that they are not having an affair but they were just trying to stand on their pride.
  • Jun Ha provokes Tae Kyung about a rumor that was on the company’s bulletin board this morning. Tae Kyung was a bit startled but acted like he knew nothing so Jun Ha doesn’t get the reaction he wants.
  • The next day, Tae Kyung could not hold his guilt to his father Chan Sik, and confesses the truth about Yeon Doo’s baby not being his and that he has been lying to the whole family. Chan Sik asks Tae Kyung to break up with Yeon Doo immediately but Tae Kyung does not back down. Chan Sik is dumbfounded by this whole situation.
  • Tae Kyung now is in deep worry after confessing everything to Chan Sik. He does not know what to do. He really loves Yeon Doo now and does not want to even have the idea of breaking up with Yeon Doo.
  • Hyun Woo finds out from Ji Myung’s colleague that Ji Myung didn’t purposely erase their first initial baby on her own. It was actually a miscarriage. Hyun Woo did not know this for the whole past year and lived his day-to-day life resenting Ji Myung and hating his own wife blaming her for erasing the baby without discussing it with him.
  • Chan Sik calls Yeon Doo up to confront her about the lies that she is telling everyone in the family. Yeon Doo is in a big shock that Chan Sik is aware of this and when she was walking home, she collapses with blood running down her legs. Jun Ha and Tae Kyung both spot this and run to her to help her out.

What do you think will happen in the next episode? Leave us a comment and let us know! You can now stream “The Real Has Come!” with English subtitles on KOCOWA+!

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