Young Sik finally meets with his long-gone mother! But, in return, he faces the hurtful truth…

Let’s highlight the key recap points from episodes 46 & 47 of “Three Bold Siblings”.

“Three Bold Siblings” Episodes 46 & 47 Recap:

  • Se Ran deliberately lies to Young Sik and says that his precious painting, which he was going to submit to win the grand contest, was burnt by her. Even though this wasn’t true, Se Ran pours out all the harsh comments to Young Sik and tells him that she had to burn down the paintings so Young Sik can never leave Sang Jun’s family to do all the chores and labor work for them. However, Sang Jun, knowing the real truth, couldn’t just stand still. He spills out that the fact that they could not submit the painting for Young Sik that day was because the painting was already ripped apart by Young Sik’s biological mother. Young Sik, of course, does not believe this, but Eun Ju does and asks Young Sik to find his mother and have an intervention and prove that Sang Jun is lying! Then we get a flashback to what really happened. When Se Ran and Sang Jun were rushing to submit Young Sik’s artwork, they encountered Young Sik’s mother, who seemed a little bit off. She then steals away the artwork and rips it into pieces, warning Se Ran now to brainwash Young Sik that she is a bad mother to him. Se Ran is furious and slaps her in the face and picks up the shattered artwork, and rushes to the exhibition. Se Ran carefully tapes them all together, but of course, they won’t take damaged paintings. Se Ran begged with tears, but ultimately, Young Sik’s artwork never gets submitted. There was this sad backstory to why Young Sik’s piece never got submitted… And Sang Jun and Se Ran kept this secret to themselves ever since.
  • So Rim now knows that Eun Hee is deceiving everyone by playing the ‘ill patient’ card to everyone. So, she faces Eun Hee and tells her to back off from Mu Young. However, Eun Hee is not that easy of a person to deal with. She tells So Rim that she will do anything in her power to get back with Mu Young.
  • So Rim visits Mu Young to return her engagement ring. Then the housemaid interjects and brings in something that shocks Mu Young, which are confidential financial files of Mu Young’s company that Hee Eun was secretly looking at.
  • Sang Jun’s manager visits Young Sik’s biological mother at a care home. He tells this to Sang Jun, and Sang Jun plans on visiting her. When he went to go meet her, she refused to meet anyone. But when Sang Jun asks the nurse to relay the following message, “there was a huge profit made from her husband’s old paintings, and they would like to discuss it.” And this worked! She called Sang Jun and asked to meet. Kyung Soon finally arrives, and everyone has so many questions to ask her. Kyung Soon does not even seem to bother saying hi to her own son even when they’ve met in so many years. They all sit down for an intervention. Sang Jun lied that he had the footage of Kyung Soon ripping Young Sik’s painting, and when Sang Jun was about to show everyone the fake footage, Kyung Soon went mad and threw the laptop to the ground. Young Sik realizes how selfish and cold-hearted his mother is and has complex feelings towards her.
  • Ji Woo visits the police station and reports Jang Mi as abduction, fraud, and an assault.
  • Sang Jun gathers all his agency staff and makes a grand announcement, that he wants to make an independent film with him directing it.
  • Ji Hye hears from Mu Young that Hee Eun is disguising herself to be terminally ill because of multiple reasons, and one of them was because of money. When Ji Hye confronts her mother to find out the real truth, Hee Eun tells her the harsh truth that Ji Hye is not Mu Young’s biological daughter, so just be the kind daughter to him so she can inherit some money in the future. Ji Hye is lost for words and cries her eyes out, and tells Hee Eun she never wants to see her again.
  • Mu Young becomes vulnerable and really confesses his feelings towards So Rim. He has been living a hard life all this time raising a child, not of his own by himself, and So Rim gives in.
  • Hee Eun becomes an ally with Nam Soo and plans something more malicious now that everyone has turned their backs on her. Hee Eun finds out that Tae Ju is So Rim’s big sister and a very famous actor’s wife, she plans something evil. Nam Soo disguises himself as Hee Eun’s company MINT manager and visits Sang Jun’s agency to ask for Sang Jun to be on one of MINT’s upcoming commercials. When they were waiting for Sang Jun, Tae Ju entered instead, recognizing Hee Eun and Nam Soo’s evil plan to try to use Sang Jun.

The Episode 48 Trailer Breakdown of “Three Bold Siblings” on KOCOWA!

Sang Jun prepares a script for the upcoming film that he is directing. The story’s motive is written by Ji Woo, and all the family secrets they were all involved in are mentioned.

Tae Ju grabs Nam Soo by his hair for all the things he has done to So Rim and the rest of the family.

Ji Hye visits Tae Ju’s home, and Hyun Jung hides her from Haeng Bok, and Jung Sook, who once had a fuss with Ji Hye and her mother Hee Eun.

What did you guys think of the last episode? Please leave us a comment below!

And, you can watch the latest two episodes of “Three Bold Siblings” on KOCOWA+ with English subtitles!

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