This fast-paced storyline is very hard for me to keep up with! The biggest shock for me this  episode was when Ana Kim was very adamant about telling Soo Chul to move to the States with her and Dan Dan. Before I forget, let’s pin point highlighted recap points on the previous episodes of “Young Lady and Gentleman.”

Episode 29 and 30 Recap:

  • Young Guk Starts to Avoid Dan Dan

Dan Dan regrets the time when she couldn’t prevent all this nonsense engagement thing with Sa Ra, and she tells Young Guk that, since Dan Dan knows the truth that he wasn’t having an affair, after all, she is willing to try her best to rewind everything to how it was before. However, Young Guk is avoiding her and the conversation regarding the issue. (Why Young Guk… WHY!!!!!)

  • Kids’ Plan to Kick Sa Ra Out!

Kids despise the fact that Sa Ra might become their stepmom! Se Chan and Se Jong go undercover and plant a prank in the house, so Sa Ra will have a hard time. (Like spilling banana peels all over the floor for her to fall). Se Chan gets into big trouble because of this. Sa Ra talks down to Se Chan and threatens him with all sorts of things like, you will go to hell if you continue to be naughty like this, AND she locks him and Se Jong in the basement. (This is clearly child abuse!)

  • Second Lead Syndrome!

There is Young Guk and Dan Dan, but there is also Dae Bum and Se Ryun couple! Dae Bum and Se Ryun continue with the love relationship despite the social class difference. Se Ryun is more than happy to help Dae Bum out with his family’s chicken restaurant. And their love toward each other seems to grow day by day. (There are many cringy moments with this couple too, LOL)

  • Ana Kim Confronts Yeon Sil!

Ana Kim drops a bombshell to Yeon Sil, telling her that she wants to take Dan Dan and Soo Chul to the States. But in fact…Yeon Sil seems happy to hear this news after Ana Kim tells her that if he follows her to the States and works with her, he will be earning at least $USD 100,000, which is a big yearly paycheck in Korea. She persuades Soo Chul to work in the States for 5 years. (Does she see Soo Chul as her husband or her work dog?!?!)

  • Young Guk is in Dilemma

Young Guk doesn’t know what to do. He publicly announced his engagement with Sa Ra and even the press is going around about this news. He wants to be responsible and stick to what he has (unwillingly?) done when he lived as a 22-year-old, but his heart is telling him otherwise. His heart is toward Dan Dan, and everyone knows that!

  • Young Guk and Dan Dan Strengthen their Relationship

Dan Dan is no longer hesitant to express her feelings toward Young Guk, and neither is he! Dan Dan turns down Ana Kim on leaving to the States with her because of the kids who will be left behind (and, of course, because of Young Guk too). Ana Kim asks Young Guk to persuade Dan Dan to go to the States where she will be given more career opportunities. Young Guk finally thinks he and Dan Dan will be happy again, but…he is in a dilemma after hearing from Ana Kim. He doesn’t want to hold Dan Dan behind from any potential opportunities she might have in the future. So he firmly tells Dan Dan that he doesn’t like her and that she should find her own life…(SAY WHAT?!!??!…)

  • Soo Chul Finally Decides to Leave

Soo Chul and his family celebrate the fact that Soo Chul is scouted to go work in the States. The family is so excited to have a family member who will be earning so much money that they have never even imagined earning in Korea.

  • Se Chan & Se Jong’s Big Plan

After these two have seen how Young Guk turned cold toward Dan Dan, they plan to drag Young Guk and Dan Dan with them to go skiing. They first tell Young Guk that it will be a guys only thing, but they have ulterior motives behind it. When they arrive at the villa, where they will stay, they find Dan Dan. Se Chan has called her to bring Se Chan’s phone that he accidentally (purposely?) left at home. So, the four have decided to eat dinner together. But Young Guk is still very cold towards Dan Dan. The kids have a cute, romantic event planned in a basement, where it all turns into a disaster! The kids are trapped in a room full of fire…Dan Dan bravely rescues the kids, but she can’t get out!

  • Young Guk Finds Out What Sa Ra Did to the Kids

After Young Guk sincerely tells Dan Dan why he and her cannot get together, he also tells the kids that he is engaged to Sa Ra and he doesn’t want to be the ball and chain to Dan Dan. But the kids really tell Young Guk why they hate Sa Ra so much, especially how she locked them in the dark basement. Young Guk gets furious and tells Sa Ra to call off the engagement.

Trailer Breakdown for Episode 31 of “Young Lady and Gentleman”:

This K-Drama is making me go crazy at this point. Seriously, Young Guk needs to make up his mind, and stop being so capricious! I mean, I know he is like that due to unexpected circumstances, but still, he is just making things more complicated in every way! I got a few enraging comments about how they just cannot stand the storyline, and I somewhat agree. But I think that’s why I am addicted to “Young Lady and Gentleman.” I promise myself to quit watching, but the next thing I know, I’m waiting for Saturday…LOL!

Well, for those of you who are still with me, let’s deep dive into the upcoming episode 31 trailer:

Dan Dan moves back to her family home.

Sa Ra’s mom Gi Ja, is furious about the engagement being cancelled and expresses her anger toward Young Guk.

Sa Ra asks Dae Ran for her help to get back with Young Guk again. (But will this even be possible?)

Yeon Sil visits Ana Kim’s house and finds pictures of Dan Dan when she was a little baby! (OMG! Will she find out that Ana Kim is the birth mother?)

Jun Oh and Mi Rim find out that they are relatives!

Jennie and Se Chan go and visit Dan Dan at her family home.

The trailer ends where Dan Dan hugs Young Guk from his back and tells him “… until today…” but the trailer ends. GAW! SUCH A CLIFFHANGER! What does she mean by that?!?!?!? And we have to wait another week for this!If you missed episodes 29 and 30, it’s not too late yet! Watch them on KOCOWA with both English and Portuguese subtitles, and stay tuned for “Young Lady and Gentleman” Episode 31 premiering this Saturday at 7:55 PM KST!

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What’s your Reaction?


  1. I’m having a real hard time with this series. He knows she lied about being engaged but went along with it cause he had no memory. Now he is staying engaged cause the same lying person says the new period of life he can’t remember they had a real thing? They made this too long and too goofy. The only non awful characters are the hair dressing school couple, CEO Anna, the family cook and the two boys. Everyone else is despicable. But 53 episodes, good gosh.

  2. Why do I have a problem accessing gentalmen and young girl?? It is the same for young girl why now are many of us that watch your videos, are not seeing the English sub titles so un fair sence there is a large viewers that choose to watch your episodes , not nice to miss treat the people you need .Audrey Mcdougle.

    • Hello Audrey, I am so sorry you are having this problem 🙁 The episodes are fully subbed after about 8 hours it finished airing on its original time. So for the most recent episodes 45 and 46 are subbed in English right now. However, if you are still having a problem, please contact our help center for the best assistance! Thank you!

  3. Admin:
    We have the same struggles.. I just said, I will quit watching this after 10… after 15, but I finished 30 episodes 😭

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