Here are the highlights of episodes 11 & 12 of “Iron Family”.
“Iron Family” Episodes 11 & 12 Recap:
- Gang Ju tried his best to have Da Rim hired at his company, knowing she was struggling to get by each day. When Da Rim delivered drinks to his office, he noticed she was taking the stairs instead of the elevator. He felt a mix of pity and something deeper as he sought ways to help her.
- Da Rim visits Seung Don to thank him for lending a significant amount of money to her mother for her surgery.

- Tae Woong confronts Seung Don after discovering he is his biological father. In the elevator, he unexpectedly encounters Gang Ju, who finds it odd that Tae Woong is visiting. Unaware of the meeting’s purpose, Gang Ju stops him. Tae Woong bursts into Seung Don’s office, declaring he neither needs money nor knows the mother Seung Don refers to. He firmly tells Seung Don not to contact him again and to just live his life. Gang Ju overhears the confrontation and is shaken.

- Overwhelmed by the situation, Tae Woong tells Bong Hee he will never leave the Dry Cleaners and will stay as long as she wants him. Having worked there for a long time, he has become like family to Da Rim’s household. Realizing the nature of his biological father, Tae Woong decides it’s best to avoid involvement and continue living a normal life at the Dry Cleaners.

- Ji Yeon seeks help from her father’s old business partner to investigate the lost cash, which she suspects starts with “AA.” He collects detailed information to identify the thief and plots the next steps.

- To express gratitude for what Seung Don has done for Da Rim (even though he didn’t provide the money), she delivers a healthy drink to his office with a sweet note. Initially bothered, Seung Don begins to anticipate her visits. Impressed by her diligence, he decides to hire Da Rim as his secretary, and she is ecstatic.

- Hae Ja, who owns a Korean barbeque restaurant next to the Dry Cleaners, is a close family friend of Da Rim’s. One day, she pays Bong Hee a lump sum of money as thanks for providing meat to Da Rim’s family. Though hesitant at first, Hae Ja accepts the money when she realizes she owes Ji Yeon, her employer, money. Interestingly, Ji Yeon’s lost money starts with “AA,” just like Hae Ja’s money, which she received from Bong Hee.

- Gang Ju has always admired Seung Don as the perfect father figure he longed for. However, upon learning that his rival, Tae Woong, is Seung Don’s biological son, Gang Ju feels as if he has lost his entire world. In a drunken confession to Da Rim, he admits that she is growing on him, but she firmly rejects him, insisting on treating him only as the company director.
- Da Rim is thrilled to secure an official job and shares the news with her favorite person, Tae Woong. However, fueled by his hatred for Seung Don, he warns her to be cautious and not to trust him.

- To launder the money Bong Hee has found, they use Mu Rim’s wedding as a cover. They invite many guests and ask them to come empty-handed, exploiting the Korean tradition of gifting money to create the illusion of legitimate earnings.

- After Ji Yeon realizes the money she received is full of the letters “AA,” she rushes to the wedding, seeking Hae Ja to inquire about the source of the money she received. When Hae Ja points to Bong Hee, Ji Yeon is left speechless.
“Iron Family” Episode 13 Trailer Breakdown:
- Bong Hee is called to the police station for questioning.
- As Gang Ju and Tae Woong spend more time together, their relationship intensifies, revealing many shared interests and experiences.
Where Can You Watch “Iron Family” with Professional Multi-language subtitles?
You can watch “Iron Family” with English, Portuguese, and Spanish subtitles on KOCOWA+.