All secrets are revealed, and things get more complicated than ever!
Let’s highlight the key recap points from episodes 44 & 45 of “Three Bold Siblings”.
“Three Bold Siblings” Episodes 44 & 45 Recap:

- So Rim breaks up with Mu Yeong because she does not want to get in between him and his ex-wife. After So Rim helped Hee Eun get treated after she fainted, So Rim realizes it is not her place to be in the middle of all this and has it as Hee Eun pleases. So Rim quits her job, and Mu Yeong tries to stop her from it, but she is steadfast about her decision. So Rim then helps with her dad’s restaurant. Even though this is not exactly what she really wants, due to the complicated situation, she believes this is the best for both of them. So Rim finds her own way to cope with her breakup. She learns to cook and tries to distract herself from being sad.

- Ji Woo moves into Tae Ju’s place since he does not want to go back to his own place. Ji Woo refuses at first, but he decides to stay. Moreover, Tae Ju’s home is full of family members. So Rim has prepared dinner for everyone, and everyone seems to enjoy the food but So Rim.

- Sang Jun’s agency filed suit against Young Sik for falsely reporting news to the media. Young Sik, who is currently MIA, contacts Eun Ju and meets with her in private. There, Eun Ju asks Young Sik if he really deceived everyone even knowing the baby really wasn’t Sang Jun’s from the get-go, and Young Sik says yes without any hesitation. Eun Ju is lost for words and could not believe what Sang Jun was saying. All this time Eun Ju was the only person that showed her utmost trust toward Young Sik, but now that he has told the truth, all her trust has vanished just like that. Eun Ju persuades him to come back home and asks for forgiveness, but Young Sik says he will bring his mother with him.

- Nam Soo visits Hee Eun with flowers and asks her if her health is fine, but Hee Eun does not seem to really like Nam Soo. Plus, she believes, Nam Soo is too underrated for her daughter Ji Hye. When Hee Eun harshly tells Nam Soo to get out of Ji Hye’s life, Nam Soo threatens her about if she is lying about her illness or not. Nam Soo has secretly looked into the medical pills which claim that she is sick, but he finds out that those are just vitamin supplements!

- Sang Jun’s photoshoot comes out, and when showing them to Tae Ju, she finds something strange in the background, there it was, Hee Eun actively playing tennis. Tae Ju cannot believe she is playing tennis when she self-acclaims to be terminally ill. Sang Jun, Hyun Jung, and Gun Woo are on it to find some evidence to back up that Hee Eun is lying about her illness. They all believe she has ulterior motives, not to really get back with Mu Yeong before she dies, but to steal My Yeong’s well-established company.

- Hyung Jung could not take the frustration anymore and blurts out everything she knows in front of So Rim and Mu Yeong, that Ji Hye is not Mu Yeong’s biological daughter and that Hee Eun is pretending to be terminally ill. So Rim is super shocked. Mu Yeong apologizes to So Rim for not telling her the truth. So Rim tells Mu Yeong that she will not get back with Mu Yeong even if Hee Eun is lying about her illness.
- When Mu Yeong meets with Hee Eun’s doctor to further investigate Hee Eun’s illness, he finds out that this doctor is disguised as a fake doctor.

- Se Ran summons everyone, including Young Sik, and asks Young Sik directly what his motive was. Young Sik confesses all this grudge he held against Sang Jun and Se Ran. Se Ran has helped take in Young Sik as a family after his father/ her older brother passed away. Young Sik had no other family because his mother even abandoned him. Se Ran raised him as if he was her own, and Sang Jun treated him like a real older brother. Young Sik had a big ambition for painting and art, and one day, when it was the day of a big art contest, Young Sik could not submit his work because he was very sick. Sang Jun and Se Ran submitted Young Sik’s art piece for him, Young Sik thought, but when Young Sik called in to find out if his work was submitted, he found out that his work was never submitted. Since then, Young Sik held a huge grudge against Se Ran and Sang Jun, thinking they needed someone to do all the labor work in the house for them. However, Sang Jun and Se Ran did not submit the work on purpose. Sang Jun reveals that the painting was ripped by Young Sik’s own mother, who did not want the art to be submitted. Young Sik, of course, did not believe him.

- So Rim meets with Hee Eun and confronts her about how she lied about her illness and how she was never terminally ill. Hee Eun denies this fact.
The Episode 46 Trailer Breakdown of “Three Bold Siblings” on KOCOWA!

So Rim reassures her parents that Hee Eun is not terminally ill, and she was lying the whole time, but Jung Sook is more worried now that Hee Eun will be healthy and will torture So Rim and Mu Yeong.

Se Ran wants to find Young Sik’s biological mother to solve this complicated situation that they are all involved in.

Eun Ju screams at Young Sik to please go find his mother to find out the truth!

Sang Jun finally finds Young Sik’s mother.
What did you guys think of the last episode? Please leave us a comment below!
And, you can watch the latest two episodes of “Three Bold Siblings” on KOCOWA with English!