Last week’s episode was another episode full of coincidences!! Did you notice them all because you need to pay very close attention!

Let’s highlight the key recap points from episodes 9 and 10 of “Three Bold Siblings”.

“Three Bold Siblings” Episodes 9 & 10 Recap:

  • Tae Ju is in a hospital bed after she found out that her biological uncle, that she has been longing for for so long, approached her only to take advantage of her! With Sang Jun by her side, she reminisces on the old days when they were in elementary school. Back then, Tae Ju was once bullied by her friend, and Sang Jun fought back for her. Back then, and now, Sang Jun is still on her side when she is in need. Tae Ju sobs while facing the truth. Sang Jun reassures her that he will help her no matter what. They both head to the police station to report the fraud, and afterwards, Sang Jun invites Tae Ju to his place to comfort her. He tells her so many kind words that really touch Tae Ju. But they are interrupted by Sang Jun’s younger sister! So Tae Ju has to quickly find a place to hide. His sister barges in his closet and asks him if she can borrow some of his fancy clothes while Tae Ju is hiding in the closet! And, without knowing this, Sang Min and Sang Jun start talking about her. Sang Min throws out tons of negative comments about Tae Ju, but Sang Jun refuses to agree. Sang Min then continues to search for a scarf to borrow and opens the closet that Tae Ju is hiding in. Fortunately, Sang Min does not notice her. But they are super close and Sang Min sees Tae Ju’s shoes. Tae Ju leaves, taking the elevator to go to the parking lot, but encounters Se Ran.
  • To make things worse, there were issues with the program that Tae Ju was currently writing in and was highly anticipating. The related staff asks Tae Ju to plan for another show, but Tae Ju is in disbelief.
three bold siblings kdrama
  • Sang Min coincidently takes a Pilates class at So Rim’s Pilate studio. This happens because Sang Min happens to be Ji Hye’s friend, and since Ji Hye is no longer able to take the class, she handed over her remaining class sessions to Sang Min. There, So Rim finds out that Ji Hye was Gipoong Cosmetic’s CEO’s granddaughter, where Nam Soo (So Rim’s girlfriend) currently works. At the same time, Nam Soo gifts Ji Hye with an expensive ring. This money came from Nam Soo and So Rim’s savings account.
  • Meanwhile, a landlord of the home, where So Rim and Tae Ju currently stay, comes by and talks to So Rim about renewing the rental contract, but the landlord wants to raise the rental fee. The landlord adds a comment and says, the new price should be no problem since Tae Ju is dating a very rich man. She saw her getting out of a very expensive vehicle (The landlord mistakes Tae Ju’s uncle as her boyfriend). However, Tae Ju does not have enough money to pay the increased rent, so she looks for a cheaper place. But, with the money she has now, she can only find shabby rental properties.
  • Se Ran sits down and talks with Sang Jun. Sang Jun tells his mother that he is head over heels about Tae Ju, and he wants to marry her. Se Ran, being somewhat sarcastic, asks Sang Jun to invite Tae Ju over for dinner. The next day Se Ran purposely visits the grocery store, hoping to meet Tae Jun’s mother, Jung Sook. Jung Sook, who had the same motive for going to the grocery store, dresses up in a very fancy outfit. The two finally meet, and Se Ran tells Jung Sook about the other night when she saw Tae Ju coming out of Sang Jun’s house. Se Ran and Jung Sook’s hatred toward each others’ families are mutual, so they both come to the conclusion to tear Sang Jun and Tae Ju apart.
  • Young Sik (Sang Jun’s cousin) receives a strange letter that says, “How is my son doing? I need money.”
  • Sang Jun tries really hard to pay off Tae Ju’s debt. He is going to film his next project as the main lead, and he thinks things are going smoothly. But, when his agency tells him he ended up getting the supporting role, Sang Jun turns down the offer. However, he knows he has to make money to help Tae Ju, even if it goes against his ego, so  he takes the supporting role and asks for the money upfront so he can give it to Tae Ju. He calls to tell her he will visit her to hand her the money, but she refuses and tells him she moved to a different place. Soo Bin investigates where Tae Ju moved to and finds a very shabby place and reports that to Sang Jun. Se Ran finds it strange that Soo Bin has been visiting Sang Jun way too often lately, so she tries to find out why. She asks Soo Bin’s parents to unlock his phone so she can see the recent destinations he has visited from his navigation. Se Ran receives an address and asks Jung Sook if Tae Ju lives at that address.
  • While Tae Ju is cleaning her new home, a drunk guy knocks on her door looking for somebody else. Tae Ju is frightened and calls the police, and Yong Sil and Yun Ho end up coming to help her. Yong Sil persuades Tae Ju to stay at her place for today, but Tae Ju refuses. But Yun Ho also strongly insists that Tae Ju comes to his place for the night. While they are packing, Sang Jun comes in and is in shock to see Tae Ju in such a place. To make things worse, Se Ran and Jung Sook go to the place where Se Ran had the address. There they overhear Sang Jun talking to Tae Ju about how he reluctantly took a supporting role to get money to help her and even took photos for a commercial event that he has never done before.  Sang Jun did all this because he truly loves her.
  • Sang Jun and Tae Ju continue to argue. Jung Sook intervenes in the conversation. Everyone is in shock, especially Se Ran, who finally finds out why her superstar took a supporting role. Se Ran and Sang Jun continue the conversation and ask Sang Jun, “Why Tae Ju?” He tells her that it is because he believes she’s the one for him.
  • Tae Ju confesses to Jung Sook about what happened. Then Tae Ju gets a call from the police. They have found her uncle. Tae Ju and Jung Sook hurriedly go to the police station to find the cause of all this mess. Jung Seok grabs Tae Ju’s uncle by the head and kicks him everywhere. Tae Ju is quite touched by this because she thought she was always the outsider of the family.
  • Nam Soo’s sister visits So Rim’s Pilates place to return the gift she received now that Nam Soo is no longer So Rim’s boyfriend. But So Rim does not know what she’s talking about. So Rim meets Nam Soo to ask him what all this nonsense is about. Nam Soo admits to it and tells So Rim that he told his family he has broken up with So Rim. Nam Soo already had no feelings for So Rim, and in fact, he was humiliated by Tae Ju’s words when they had their family meeting. He then harshly tells her he wants nothing to do with her anymore, and So Rim is left alone and so hurt by what just happened.
  • Gun Woo and Tae Ju’s father, Haeng Bok, visit Tae Ju and Jung Sook to give them support now that Jung Sook told the family that she wants to live with Tae Ju at the shabby new home for a while.
  • Sang Min brings her boyfriend to her cousin’s photo studio so that they can take a couple’s photos together. Young Sik greets them but looks at Sang Min’s boyfriend very strangely. When Young Sik was taking a photo of Sang Min’s boyfriend, he realized that this guy looks very familiar to someone that he hasn’t seen in ten years. Young Sik remembers when this guy came to his studio about ten years ago because he heard a rumor that Lee Sang Jun took a photo there and became a superstar. So, he wants to do the same. Young Sik remembers this guy as an actor, but now he has visited again as Sang Min’s boyfriend with a job as a prosecutor.
  • Tae Ju’s father persuades Tae Ju to move back into the family home until she gets settled. Tae Ju doesn’t want to because of her step-grandmother who has shown so much hatred toward Tae Ju her whole life. Haeng Bok persuades Tae Ju that he will make sure Mal Soon apologizes to Tae Ju. Haeng Bok sits down with his mother, Mal Soon, and asks her to join Tae Ju to convince her to move back in. Mal Soon finally meets with Tae Ju, but things go south real quick. Mal Soon ends up not saying sorry to Tae Ju, which leaves Tae Ju disappointed again. But when she is leaving, Tae Ju spots Mal Soon lying on the ground in pain! Tae Ju picks her up and quickly runs to a nearby hospital. Afterwards, Tae Ju packs her things to move back into the family home, and she carefully tells her mother that she likes Sang Jun as well.
  • Jung Sook meets with Se Ran to mend things with her since Tae Ju confessed her feelings for Sang Jun, but Se Ran tells her that it is over between Sang Jun and Tae Ju. Jung Sook is shocked.

The Episode 11 Trailer Breakdown of “Three Bold Siblings” on KOCOWA!

Jung Sook bursts into tears in front of Se Ran because Jung Sook is heartbroken to hear that things are over. Se Ran wavers seeing Jung Sook so sad.

So Rim has a new male student in the Pilates class, and he falls during the class, which shocks So Rim.

Sang Min brings her boyfriend to Sang Jun’s home, and there, he meets with Se Ran. Sang Min’s boyfriend tells Se Ran that he has seen her somewhere.

Tae Ju calls Sang Jun but finds out that she is blocked. (But this was Sang Min who hung up on her when her brother is not watching)

So Rim was reported as a stalker. She finds out that it was Nam Soo who called the police on her. So Rim lashes out at Tae Ju and tells her that everything is her fault.

You can watch the first two episodes of “Three Bold Siblings” on KOCOWA with English subtitles. Don’t forget to subscribe, and get a 14-day free trial!


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