Happy Year of the Dragon! To celebrate the Lunar New Year, we’ve already highlighted four Korean movies to watch that embody the characteristics of the Year of the Dragon. To continue with that theme, here are four Korean dramas that showcase power, strength, innovation, and good fortune.
Power – The Fiery Priest

Lots of people have power, but are they using it for good? In this hilarious and also touching, action-comedy, wronged man of the cloth, Kim Hae Il, is ready to avenge his mentor and brings his full weight of the Holy Order to serve justice, one fist at a time. You will laugh until you cry and cheer for justice to be served in this warm-hearted comedy that might have you wiping a tear or two as well.
Strength – Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo

How can we not mention the #1 show on our platform, “Weightlifting Fairy”, when it so closely embodies the characteristic of strength! Not only does Bok-Joo have to show physical strength, she also embodies the strength of character, strength of friendship, and strength in trying when you think you won’t be able to continue. Check out this charming drama whenever you get a chance and see just what everyone loves!
Innovation – Dr. Romantic

Hear us out! Yes, Dr. Romantic is all about health, but these doctors have to show impressive innovation to treat the patients in their area. Not only are they low on supplies and money, they are also rural and need to stay thinking on their feet to aid the people in their community (or the poor passerby who finds themselves in need of a hospital right quick and in a hurry).
Good Fortune – Stove League

One of the biggest hidden gems on KOCOWA+, “Stove League”, tells the story of Korea’s poorest-performing baseball team, turning things around to become, or hopefully become champions. And although they have a capable new manager, they will need a lot of good fortune to make this dream come true.
Happy Lunar New Year, KOCONUTS! We hope you enjoyed our Korean dramas and movies that represent the characteristics of The Year of the Dragon. Happy watching!