Last month, we started a new discussion/poll called ‘Battle of the Dramas’, where we analyze Korean actors and their best roles. The first battle was between exes and veterans Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo. It was up to KOCONUTS to decide if you liked “Vincenzo” better than “Encounter,” and “Reborn Rich” better than the first season of “The Glory”. We got over one hundred responses! “Vincenzo” beat “Encounter” with 54.9% of the vote, while “The Glory” beat “Reborn Rich” with 69.81% of the votes! (I honestly didn’t see that coming!)

Thank you to everyone who participated! It was an exciting first battle, so I hope we can keep the energy and momentum for this next one. If you thought choosing between two beloved exes was hard, then choosing between Korea’s newest adorable couple is going to be even harder.

This month it’s going to be Lee Jong Suk, the Prince of lovely smiles and wide shoulders, versus the Nation’s Little Sister, IU. The two shocked and delighted the entire world when they confirmed they were dating at the end of 2022. They reportedly met on the set of the music show “Inkigayo” a decade ago, and have been friends ever since. Then slowly, my favorite romantic trope took effect, and that friendship blossomed into love.

When it comes to dramas, Lee Jong Suk has been going strong since his breakout role in “School 2013”. IU began as a soloist and transitioned into acting with starring roles in “Dream High” and “The Producers”. Both are respected actors. Almost all of Lee Jong Suk’s dramas become smash hits domestically and internationally, and IU’s dramas, “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo” and “My Mister” have made K-Drama lovers cry enough tears to fill the Han River.

Choosing their best roles was extremely hard, because both of them have a ton of amazing ones, but I’ve managed to pin down some of their most praised shows. Vote for the drama you prefer below. The poll will close next Monday on February 6, 2023, at 12AM Eastern Standard Time (EST). You can come back here to see which dramas emerged victorious or wait to see the results in March’s ‘Battle of the Dramas’.

W vs Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo

W vs Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 448

This will probably be an unpopular opinion, but I personally enjoyed W more. Moon Lovers wasn’t bad, I just love comic books, so it was interesting watching a comic book character come to life, challenge his creator and try to find meaning in life.

The tension in the drama kept me tightly wound, and the mystery aspect was done well (for the most part). That’s why my vote will have to go to W.

Big Mouth vs My Mister

Big Mouth vs My Mister (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 395

I really do love IU, but I’m going to have to vote for Lee Jong Suk again simply because I haven’t seen My Mister. I planned to, but someone completely spoiled it for me so I never got around to watching it. I’ll watch it some day, but for now I have to go with Big Mouth since it’s the one I’ve seen. I thought it was a great comeback drama for Lee Jong Suk, and the mystery of Big Mouth’s identity was intriguing.

So, which of these dramas are getting your votes? Vote and let us know why in the comments! Or you can yell at me (nicely) and tell me to hurry up and watch My Mister.

If you want to see more content featuring Lee Jong Suk and IU, check out these titles on KOCOWA:

More Lee Jong Suk Dramas:

An IU Film:


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