Check out this weekend’s variety show information and guest appearances right here to schedule this week’s watchlist!
FRIDAY, February 3

KEY has prepared a big birthday party for his special ones! His beloved, adorable puppies celebrate their birthday. As a celebration, KEY also invites special people, Taeyeon and Changseob, and their puppies. The puppies all go nuts, and the birthday party devolves into chaos. Then we have Hyun Moo visit PyeongChang to detoxify. Find out more on this week’s episode!
SATURDAY, February 4

This week, Big Bang Tae Yang continues as a special guest!
He meets with Go Kyung Pyo, Ju Won, and Dae Sung and reminisces about the old days when they were in the military together. Tae Yang worries about how old they’ve all become and teaches them about the slang young people use these days. Then we have Han Bo Reum as a special guest, who is obsessed with following trends, just like Hyun Moo! Find out more on this week’s episode.
SUNDAY, February 5
“2 Days and 1 Night” – Episode 161

The members face other difficult missions!
PD nim confines the members in a small room and has them complete the missions in order to escape. Find out more on this week’s episode!

This week’s episode, the members are invited to an action school!
A special guest, Jang Hyuk, teaches the members his hidden martial arts skills, and the members are terrible at learning them! Then another special guest arrived, the legend of martial arts, Donnie Yen! Find out more on this week’s episode.
Where to Stream These Upcoming K-Variety Shows with English Subtitles
Which show are you FOR SURE not going to miss? Leave us a comment below, and you can watch all these shows with English subtitles on KOCOWA!