*SPOILERS AHEAD* I actually really, really enjoyed the first two episodes of this new weekend drama. However, there are a lot of characters and storylines to consume, so please pay attention to the following recap!

Let’s highlight the key recap points from episodes 1 and 2 of “Three Bold Siblings”.

“Three Bold Siblings” Episodes 1 & 2 Recap:

  • The first scene begins with this creepy background music in a very dark hospital and a male patient yelling, “Get me another doctor!” He seemed like a patient who is in urgent need of help but is actually a drunk person trying to pick on the doctor, Tae Ju. He ends up throwing boiled eggs at her, and this causes her to remember her school days where she was also bullied with eggs thrown at her. She firmly tells him she does not like getting egged, and if he doesn’t stop there, he will not be safe. But this crazy, drunken patient insists, and she does something to him that brings both of them to the police office. The police officers weren’t surprised to see Tae Ju because this isn’t her first time. She goes to visit his younger brother’s office to get her back checked. Her brother shows concern that Tea Ju always gets into fights with weird patients at her hospital and insists she move to another hospital. But, Tae Ju already has. She quit her job!
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  • Tae Ju’s younger sister So Rim invites her and the rest of the family to meet her boyfriend’s family. There, a rather uncomfortable conversation takes place when So Rim’s boyfriend’s family talks about how the eldest in the family hasn’t married yet. (Traditionally in Korea, the eldest in the family gets married first then the next sibling. In this case, even though Tae Ju is the eldest, her younger sister So Rim is in the process of getting married). Tae Ju’s mother, Jung Sook, says we are not a close-minded family that follows all Korean traditions. And in addition, she adds that So Rim’s couple can live where So Rim is living now after they get married. However, hearing this, Tae Ju is flustered because that’s the house she took out a loan to live in with So Rim. Her father defends Tae Ju and tells Jung Sook that it is just wrong, and they cannot just let So Rim live at a place where Tae Ju’s paying the mortgage. Tae Ju storms out. Jung Sook follows, grabs Tae Ju’s arm, and asks where she’s going and that she ruined the atmosphere. Tae Ju is furious and tells her mother that she has had enough.

We go into a flashback from this point on –

  • The scene takes place when Tae Ju was a little child back in 85. Tae Ju tells her mother that she is hungry. They go into this small restaurant (where it seems like that’s the first time meeting her current father, who was a restaurant owner) where Tae Ju eats noodles to feed herself. Jung Sook visited this place often after but apologizes to the restaurant owner because they always only order one dish. He was totally fine by it. With a glimpse, Jung Sook and Tae Ju seemed like a family of their own with no father. They all became very close and he ended up proposing to Jung Sook. But his mother Mal Soon didn’t like this because Jung Sook already had a child. However, love won and they became a happy family. Jung Sook and Haeng Bok had two children after that. Even though Tae Ju and the other two were half related, Tae Ju took care of them well. Tae Ju studied real hard knowing what her mother went through to get accepted in Haeng Bok’s family. Tae Ju naturally became the big sister in the family who always sacrificed for her younger siblings. Tae Ju’s step-grandmother always discriminated against Tae Ju against the two younger ones. Despite the discrimination, Tae Ju got accepted into a prestigious medical school, which made everyone proud. Word got spread that the reason why Tae Ju was so smart was because she ate lots of curry noodles from her father’s restaurant. And the restaurant also became super popular.
  • Sang Jun, who is a very popular celebrity star, is the next person introduced in the drama. But the setting goes back to when the characters are in the 20s. He was filming a medical drama at a location where Tae Ju goes to school. All of Tae Ju’s friends talk highly about Sang Jun where Tae Ju interjects the conversation and says, “I envy him because he is now doing what he wanted to do all this time. His dream was to become an actor since he was little.” She knows because they went to the same elementary school together. Then Sang Jun coincidently gets hospitalized in the hospital where Tae Ju goes to school. They meet but not at a great time. San Jun catches Tae Ju crying with her makeup smeared all over her face. Sang Jun is so happy to see her, but she didn’t want to see him this way. Sang Jun patiently waits for her to be done crying and tells her he cannot leave his first love crying like this. They talk and Tae Ju tells him that this isn’t the life she wants to live, and the medical school isn’t the place for her. She only came here because her mother wanted her to. Sang Ju then confides in her and tells her that he is paying his father’s debt, and he isn’t all that happy either. As the mood changes romantically, Sang Jun asks Tae Ju to be his girlfriend. They become a very happy couple just like the others, even when Sang Jun becomes a very famous superstar, this didn’t stop their love. When they were romantically enjoying their date, the paparazzi catches them and the whole nation goes crazy about this news. Tae Ju is now the big talk of the town and Sang Jun’s fans egg Tae Ju wherever she goes.

We are back to where Tae Ju storms out of the family meeting with So Rim’s Boyfriend’s family

  • When Tae Ju came back into the restaurant she told her younger sister So Rim to move out of her house immediately. Tae Ju storms out again this time and goes home. At the bus station, she sees a strange poster, it is an advertisement for a photo exhibition by Sang Jun. The poster was full of pictures they took together when they were dating a long time ago. Tae Ju is so irritated by it and rips it off. Coincidentally, Sang Jun was passing by and spots this lady ripping off his poster. He gets out and yells, “what the heck are you doing?!?!”
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  • Tae Ju, who is jobless and is in an uncomfortable situation with her younger sister, needs something to make money. Her friend proposes this great plan to her, and Tae Ju goes to find someone who might invest on this idea. She thinks of one person who she met back in the days when she worked as a doctor in the hospital, TV producer Yun Ho. She calls him up, shows him the proposal, and asks him to help her. He really liked the idea, so they executed the proposal right away. Tae Ju visits the broadcaster and spots Sang Jun there. She is again very irritated by him. When Sang Jun hears from his manager that he has passed by Tae Ju, Sang Jun is really surprised.
  • Tae Ju sees Sang Jun interviewing about his photo exhibition and his photo book and is stunned by it. He has bluntly placed all their past pictures on the exhibition and the book leaving her with no words. She even takes a visit to his fan meeting and there she makes a scene. Tae Ju wanted to let out her anger of all these years she had to live with Sang Jun’s fans bullying her. Sang Jun knew right away that this was Tae Ju and talked to her in private. Little did they know, this frenzy maniac fan followed them and tried to threaten Sang Jun. But, Tae Ju grabs him and runs away.

The Episode 3 Trailer Breakdown of “Three Bold Siblings” on KOCOWA!

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Sang Jun tells Tae Ju to hit him all she wants, to let go of all the past anger.

Tae Ju’s mother, Jung Sook, talks badly about Sang Jun’s whole family, and how his younger sister and his mother are nasty.

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But Sang Jun’s mom hates Tae Ju as well.

Tae Ju finds out that Sang Jun goes to Tae Ju’s youngest brother, Gun Woo’s, hospital to get a checkup.

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Both Tae Ju and Sang Jun’s families are real enemies.

You can watch the first two episodes of “Three Bold Siblings” on KOCOWA with English subtitles. Don’t forget to subscribe, and get a 14-day free trial!


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