I think this drama is one of the hardest dramas that I had to recap. You know why? Because there are just way TOO MANY coincidences and way too many twists and turns within one episode!!

Let’s highlight the key recap points from episodes 7 and 8 of “Three Bold Siblings”.

“Three Bold Siblings” Episodes 7 & 8 Recap:

  • After Tae Ju reads a ridiculous news story about Sang Jun’s scandal with an anonymous woman (which happens to be her), Tae Ju is very bothered by it. On top of that, Sang Jun’s mother, Se Ran, calls to ask if she has anything to do with the fake news. Sang Jun visits Tae Ju to reassure her that the fake news article has been deleted and is gone. When Sang Jun sees Tae Ju with an injured arm, he offers to blow dry her hair for her, and we all know that this is not just out of his kindness but out of love. While they were both talking about the news, a sudden visitor surprised them both. Tae Ju’s mother has come to give her some side dishes she has made. Sang Jun rushes to hide in Tae Ju’s room, but little did he know that she would go to Tae Ju’s room to clean up her clothes. Sang Jun was about to jump out of the window, but that would have been suicide. So, he quickly hides behind the hanger and eventually gets caught by Jung Sook. When Sang Jun and Tae Ju talk outside, Tae Ju expresses how regretful she is that she visited his book signing event. But Sang Jun thinks otherwise; he thinks that all of this happened because it was destined. Tae Ju says goodbye to Sang Jun and wishes him good luck with his life. He tells Tae Ju that he is sorry for how the variety show turned out and that she shouldn’t expect too much in them  finding her uncle.
  • A very fancy looking man with a chauffeur stops in front of the curry restaurant. But he was sad to see the restaurant was closed at the moment.
  • Jung Sook was still mad that Sang Jun was at her daughter’s place. She went grocery shopping, hoping to see Se Ran (Sang Jun’s mother) again so Jung Sook could lash out at her about what happened. However, when Jung Sook spotted her, she quickly sprinted away due to the poor clothing she was wearing compared to Se Ran, who was gracefully tasting the wine at the wine shop. But instead, Se Ran runs to talk to Jung Sook, and asks her to forget about the fake news article that was released that morning. Jung Sook asked her cluelessly what that was about and told Se Ran that she has no time to read Lee Sang Jun’s news articles online. Then Jung Sook asks “why is your son hiding behind my daughter’s wardrobe?” which leaves Se Ran baffled. Se Ran is so embarrassed, but does not back down and tells Se Ran that her son wouldn’t do such a thing because he already has someone he is hoping to get married to soon.

  • Nam Soo visits So Rim and Tae Ju’s place to pack his clothes. So Rim asks him to come to her father’s restaurant for dinner, but he refuses and also gives her the cold shoulder the entire time. When Nam Soo was looking for his phone, So Rim calls to help him find it and finds out that her caller ID on his phone is no longer “my love So Rim,” but a “real estate agency” instead. He tells a lie and says it was because of his boss, who is currently going through hard times with his wife. So Rim empathizes with him and begs him to stay for a coffee. He refuses coldly and leaves. So Rim walks sadly to her father’s restaurant where she encounters that fancy man. She asks him who he is and he tells her that he is an old patient of Tae Ju. He came to Korea from the States recently, and wanted to visit the restaurant that Tae Ju bragged about while she was his doctor. He hands So Rim his business card asking her to hand it to Tae Ju when she gets the chance.
  • Tae Ju and her co-writer and friend, Yong Sil, go out to surf with their director, Yun Ho. There, they have a great time, even though Tae Ju couldn’t enjoy it much due to her injured arm. While Jun Ho and Tae Ju are left alone, Jun Ho confesses why he was drawn to her and with a cherry on top, he asks if he can be more than friends with her. She says there is no chance. She adds that she will just pretend she didn’t hear all this so they can move forward without being uncomfortable with each other. They continue to enjoy their outing, but Tae Ju cannot get Sang Jun out of her head. On top of that, they hear great news, Sang Jun will continue to narrate the show Tae Ju is writing, and that this show is also confirmed to be a Monday through Wednesday weekly show!
  • Nam Soo calls So Rim to tell another lie: he has a team dinner after work. When he was talking with her, he overhears So Rim call her Pilates client by the name Ji Hye. Nam Soo was startled and rushed to go see So Rim. During their dinner conversation, So Rim talks about her new client named Ji Hye and how that client is very concerned about her figure due to her recent date with her new boyfriend. (which is Nam Soo who the client is talking about!!!!!! OMG!!!) Nam Soo questions further and asks So Rim what Ji Hye said about her boyfriend. So Rim tells him Ji Hye was explaining how husband-material her boyfriend is, and Nam Soo cannot take the smirk off his face. Tae Ju comes home and apologizes to Nam Soo about what happened at the family gathering. She also tells him he can move in with So Rim once they get married. However, Nam Soo strongly refuses and rushes out.
  • So Rim tells Tae Ju about that gentleman who gave her his business card and that he was looking for Tae Ju. Tae Ju finds this odd because she has never bragged about the curry restaurant to anybody. Tae Ju just throws away the business card, but right before she is about to sleep, she gets up and unfolds the business card, thinking that this might be her biological uncle she has been searching for all this time.
  • Tae Ju then meets her loving uncle and hugs him tight. They talk about their past and Tae Jun’s father who has passed away from an accident. He tells her how he wrote to her several times, but Tae Ju says she never got any letters from him in the past. He also gifts her with a box full of snacks that Tae Ju used to eat when she was little.
  • Se Ran was in her room working when she opened her drawer and saw something that reminded her of the past. In the past, Se Ran used to dream of being an actress. She was even applauded during her audition. However, back in the old days, her father was very old-fashioned and forced women to just get married instead of chasing after their dream, So she ran away from home. (Maybe this is why Se Ran is so overprotective and overly proud of her actor son, Sang Jun)
  • Sang Jun and the variety show team gathered to celebrate the good news. There, Sang Jun saw something going on between Tae Ju and Yun Ho. He was a little bothered by it but ignored it and gave Tae Ju a ride home. After he drops her off, he and his nephew encounter a very ill-mannered driver, who happens to be Tae Ju’s uncle! They chase around with each other on the road. The endless search has finally ended. (What a coincidence!!)
  • Tae Ju meets with her uncle again, but this time, Tae Ju’s uncle seems very worried. He tells her he was scammed with some investment money, and Tae Ju seems to empathize and offer any help that he needs (I have a bad feeling about this. This uncle seemed very violent when he was chasing Sang Jun’s car the other day…. Maybe he isn’t the uncle that Tae Ju remembers anymore.) Her uncle asks for a favor, he would like her to join him in a meeting as a disguised outside director. Tae Ju ends up signing a contract to help her uncle.
  • Nam Soo goes on a date with Ji Hye and insists that she should do another workout other than Pilates. He is trying to talk her out of it since his “current” girlfriend So Rim is Ji Hye’s personal Pilates instructor!! While they are on their date, Yu Ri (Gun Woo’s ex-girlfriend) spots Nam Soo and Ji Hye together! Yu Ri immediately takes a photo of them and tells this to So Rim. When Nam Soo came home, he lied AGAIN that he ran errands with his female coworker. He also asks So Rim if he can cancel their savings account. (What a manipulator!!!! UGH!)
  • Sang Jun gets an emergency call from her sister, Sang Min, but this was all a trap to have Sang Jun meet a woman his mother wants him to marry. So Sang Jun had an unexpected meeting with this very pretty woman who happened to be Se Ran’s acquaintance’s daughter. Sang Jun and the daughter go out for a coffee, but he is very callous towards her. While talking, she spills something that really shocks Sang Jun. She told him that she was a huge fan of his, and when he had the scandal, she actually went up to Tae Ju and threw eggs at her, out of jealousy.
  • Sang Jun got a ticket for a concert that Tae Ju has been wanting to attend. Her uncle was a real fan of this concert and Tae Ju really wanted to take him to this concert before he left for the States. Tae Ju thanks Sang Jun tremendously. She shares this amazing news with her uncle, and he will join her later on at the concert. When the concert was about to start, Tae Ju called her uncle to see where he was. However, she hears that the phone number no longer exists. Tae Ju is super worried and goes back to the place where the business was taken before and looks for the employee that helped Tae Ju sign the contract. When she went, she couldn’t find him anywhere. She continues searching for her uncle with Sang Jun and gets a strange call that she has borrowed 2 Million Won. Everything is now making sense, her real uncle scammed Tae Ju big time!

The Episode 9 Trailer Breakdown of “Three Bold Siblings” on KOCOWA!

I mean there are just so many different stories that you need to know!!

Tae Ju is super heartbroken about the fact that her uncle, who she really longed to meet all this time, was actually a scammer.

She searches for her uncle to try to get the money back and Sang Jun helps her a lot.

Sang Jun strongly says she would like to get married to Tae Ju and Se Ran is totally against it. Se Ran and Jung Sook become an ally to break them two apart.

Tae Ju finds out that her uncle actually went to prison for fraud.

To repay the money she owes, she moves to a shabby place and when Sang Jun finds out about this, he gets livid.

You can watch the first two episodes of “Three Bold Siblings” on KOCOWA with English subtitles. Don’t forget to subscribe, and get a 14-day free trial!

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