Everyone wants to hang out with BTS, but which member should you take on a quest? Yes, we love to rhyme today, which is apt because our quiz for the day is all about fantasy quests! Think Dungeons & Dragons or Lord of The Rings. But what we really want to know, is which BTS member should go on this quest with you? Take our quiz below to find out!

Hey, KOCONUTS, which BTS member did you get for your quest? Was it the one you wanted? If so, congratulations! If not, take our very unscientific quiz again and see if you get the one you want this time! And be sure to check out BTS on KOCOWA+!


1 Comment

  1. I can’t believe I got Kim Taehyung oppa. And I’m happy with that but I really respect all members. I don’t have bias I just love all of them. I respect all members of BTS. Thay are my inspiration. Thanks to them for coming in our life. We Army’s are very lucky to have them. I purple you 💜.

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