The Fiery Priest” has ended, and the only thing that’s barely keeping our hearts from sinking too deep after finishing such a good drama–is their promise for season 2.

While we wait patiently for the next season (hopefully with the same cast!), let’s have a look back on some of its best moments and what makes us miss it dearly.

The many different sides of Father Kim Hae-Il

We get to admire his cool fight scenes, see him dressed as a woman (a really pretty one), and see his character turn dark and cool when he’s pushed to his limits. But seeing Father Kim Hae-Il is an excuse, of course. We’re all here to see how cool and charismatic Kim Nam-Gil is.

Special appearance: God

Father Kim Hae-Il (Kim Nam-Gil) and his team of people at the church have such admirable love for God that even God acknowledges, and decides to guide them into making the right decisions by giving them “subtle” hints.

When Sister Kim In-Kyung (Baek Ji-Won) is needed to use her skills as a professional gambler, she hesitates. Seeing her hesitation from above, God sends someone dressed up as the character in the Bright Card (one of the cards in Go-Stop) to her. Sister Kim In-Kyung gets the hint quickly and thanks God for it.

And how strong is their love for God? This proves it:

Father Kim Hae-Il spots a cross and a Virgin Mary statue in a club that commits crimes, which he considers to be an unholy place. He wanted to teach these people a lesson for placing those there, but soon realizes there are too many people going against him, so… he takes the cross and Virgin Mary with him and runs away. Truly God’s reliable servant.

Hilarious parodies that are done so naturally

Remember the legendary “Mr. Sunshine?”

Prosecutor Park Kyung-Sun (Lee Ha-Nee) tries to find out who was the masked person that attacked her, she covers the bottom half of Father Kim Hae-Il’s face, conveniently re-enacting the iconic scene in “Mr. Sunshine.”

They don’t just leave that iconic scene at that.

When he realizes Prosecutor Park Kyung-Sun found out that he was the masked man, Father Kim Hae-Il smiles and says, “I guess she recognized my attractive eyes.”

The Fiery Priest   Mr Sunshine reference


Their unique fashion

Trying to rob someone without showing your identity? Embarrassed when you cry or poop in the fields? Got you covered! A huge dog mask will solve all that.

“The Fiery Priest” shows how fashionable different types of arm warmers can be. And that means no more excuses for inefficient work because of cold offices.

Uniting people with tearful stories

Works well on soft-hearted villains in the drama, and it doesn’t matter what country these people are from.

It also helps when you screwed up but still hoping to keep your job.

How they are constantly in sync with each other

Every scene and dialogue in this drama is so carefully crafted out that all of them are equally precious. It’s difficult to not fall for it, cute, funny, and cool scenes are all added into the mix so naturally in this drama.

Also, watching this drama presents an extremely tough challenge–to not fall for the charismatic Actor Kim Nam-Gil.

What are your favorite scenes in this drama?



  1. Loved this series….the storyline, action, drama and comedy. One of the best I’ve seen. Can’t wait for season 2

  2. It was definitely worth watching …. the actors really made the set fun and yet full of action.. congrats to the production crew everything was spectacular. Can’t wait to binge watch again especially got nothing to do during quarantine time… HOPING FOR A SEASON 2 HUHU

    • Hope there is a season 2!!! KOCOWA will definitely service it 🙂

  3. This show is sooo funny. The action scenes are great but the humour is what makes the show. I really like the scenes with the thug and his bob hair do. He is so funny. I couldn’t believe how good the priest looks as a woman. Sad that show ended.

    • I hope there is another Kdrama made like this! 🙂 I find this drama very hilarious too

    • When he slides down the window when he’s drunk! That was so funny but my gosh it was full of funny moments.

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